Assigning content to students enables fast access to materials, minimizes distractions, and creates opportunities for tracking completion.
Note: When assigning content to students, students must have a Discovery Education account and your classes must be set up. If you are unsure how to do either, explore these articles:
With Discovery Education Science Techbook, students can browse and use navigation to access specific materials. Assigning content, though, whether an individual resource or an entire concept or unit, ensures that students have fast access to materials, minimizes distractions, and creates opportunities for tracking completion.
Assign Any Page
When you find a page or activity that you would like your students to complete, use the Assign icon in the toolbar to assign an entire page to students.
When students access this assignment, it will bring them to the page you wish them to complete. They can work through the page and any technology-enhanced items. A Mark as Complete option will appear to students to show you that they have completed that page. When assigning a page or activity, it will show up as Core Interactive Text on the student's assignments page.
When a student completes a page, they should click Mark as Complete to show you that they are finished. This result will appear in your Discovery Education Classrooms Assignment Manager. Any answers to the technology-enhanced items on the page will appear in the Science Techbook Dashboard.
Assign Any Resource
You can assign almost any content from Science Techbook to students. To assign a resource, such as a video, glossary term, or image, look for the Assign option. Depending on the location of the resource, you may see an ellipsis (...) or downward facing arrow indicator. Select Assign and assign the content to a class, classes, or to individual students.
Assign an Assessment
You can assign a Science Techbook Assessment in two different ways. If you find and open the assessment from within Science Techbook, click the Assign button in the upper right corner to share with students.
Alternatively, you can click on the Results icon in the Toolbar and then select the Course Assessments dashboard. This will list all summative assessments for the course. Click the assign icon for the assessment to share with students.
Assign Options
When content is assigned to students, the following options are available:
- Step 1 - name the assignment and give directions for students
- Step 2 - select the date you want content to appear on student learning plans as well as the date for when content or work should be completed by
- Step 3 - select the class (or grouping of students) to which something should be assigned
- Step 4 - confirm the settings of your assignment and click okay