Featuring resources selected and curated by Discovery Education's curriculum experts, Channels offer video segments, images, articles, songs, and more on many of Discovery Education’s most-searched topics.
What are Channels?
Channels include a variety of instructional resources to hook your students in their learning. Podcasts, videos, activities, and professional learning opportunities are some of the resources available to explore.
Channels also include ideas to kickstart how to plan engaging learning experiences in and out of the classroom.
Note that some Channels have different language versions.
Search for Channels
When you enter keywords into Search, Channels are featured in your search results when a topic contains keywords.
Subscribe to Channels
When you subscribe to a Channel, it is added to your Homepage. Here you can arrange and organize the Channels by dragging and dropping.
To unsubscribe from a Channel and remove it from your Homepage, select the vertical ellipses on the Channel and select Unsubscribe.