Ready to move forward with an integration? Complete the SSO Request Form to begin the process and member of the DE Technical Integrations team will be in touch.
The NCEdCloud IAM Service SSO (single sign-on) integration allows users to log into Discovery Education via the NCEdCloud IAM Service portal or via Staff and student user accounts are imported into Discovery Education from the NCEdCloud IAM Service on a regular basis.
(All requirements must be confirmed to proceed)
- All schools that subscribe to Discovery Education services must use the NCEdCloud IAM Service.
- All staff and students exist within the NCEd Cloud IAM service. Only staff and students that exist within the NCEdCloud IAM Service will have access to Discovery Education.
- Staff accounts within the NCEd Cloud IAM service have email addresses listed.
- The State UID number is listed for staff and students on their Discovery Education profile (Teacher ID and Student ID fields).
User Experience
Once the NCEdCloud IAM Service integration is launched, users will log into Discovery Education by logging into the NCEdCloud IAM Service and clicking an icon for Discovery Education, or navigating directly to:
Once the NCEdCloud IAM Service integration is launched, users will no longer be able to log in via: Any previously saved hyperlinks that are not configured for SSO will prompt users to log in directly to, which will no longer work. We recommend implementing two options in this case:
1. Update existing hyperlinks with the NCEd Cloud SSO subdomain: should be updated to
2. Advise users to log in via NCEd Cloud before using saved hyperlinks.
How it Works
Users are authenticated into Discovery Education via NCEd Cloud, provided that usernames in Discovery Education are in the required SSO username format. The Discovery Education NCEd Cloud SSO username format is: <State UID number>
Note: This username is never known by the end user. .
Steps to Implement
Step 1: Ensure the state UID number is listed for staff and students on their Discovery Education profile (Teacher ID and Student ID fields).
In order for existing Discovery Education user accounts to be configured properly for the NCEdCloud IAM Service SSO, the state UID number must be listed on their profile under the Teacher ID or Student ID field. The existing Discovery Education user accounts can be exported to review by:
- Log into Discovery Education with an Admin user account.
- Navigate to My Admin > Bulk Import > Update Rosters.
- Export the Teacher Roster and the Student Roster for all schools.
- Confirm the correct State UID number is listed in the Teacher ID and Student ID fields respectively.
- If any changes or additions need to be made, enter the correct data in that field, save the .csv and upload the file on the Bulk Import page. (Be sure not to change the username field).
Note: If assistance is needed on this step, please let your Discovery Education technical integration agent know.
Step 2: Ensure proper user data is within NCEdCloud IAM Service.
Only users that have accounts within the NCEdCloud IAM Service will be imported into Discovery Education. Please ensure that all staff accounts have email addresses listed within the NCEdCloud IAM Service.
Step 3: Request SSO.
Complete the SSO request form.
Step 4: Confirm with NCEdCloud IAM and IdAuto that data can be released to Discovery Education.
Discovery Education must be given permission to receive the state data. Once the agreement is returned, you will be prompted to email the confirmation to all parties.
Step 5: Determine the Launch Date and test the SSO authentication.
The Launch Date will be the day that users are configured for NCEdCloud IAM Service SSO. After this date, users must log in with one of the methods described above (User Experience section). Please notify all parties of the desired Launch Date. We recommend launching on Friday evenings. One (or more) users can be configured manually for SSO to confirm successful authentication.
Step 6: Notify users of new login method and Launch Date.
Users must be notified of the Launch Date and new login method, since this will break the way they have traditionally logged into Discovery Education.
Step 7: Launch.
Existing Discovery Education user accounts will be configured to use the NCEdCloud IAM Service SSO at 7pm ET, the work day before the Launch Date. For Example, a Monday launch date would be configured on Friday at 7pm ET. The icon within the NCEdCloud IAM Service will appear as well.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do users go to log in with their NCEd Cloud accounts? Once the NCEdCloud IAM Service integration is launched, users will log into Discovery Education by logging into the NCEdCloud IAM Service and clicking an icon for Discovery Education, or navigating directly to:
What is the cost for NCEd Cloud SSO? Is there an agreement involved? NCEd Cloud SSO is free and there is no agreement required. Complete the SSO request form to get started.
When can we launch NCEd Cloud SSO? This will vary greatly between districts. Once the agreement is signed and existing DE users are prepared, then NCEd Cloud SSO can be launched. Communicating to users about the new log in method will be critical to a successful launch. We recommend launching on a Friday, at least two weeks after the agreement is returned and communication to users has begun.
What happens to existing Discovery Education user accounts? Will they keep their saved content and work? Teacher accounts will be mapped to their NCEd Cloud accounts based on matching email addresses or Teacher IDs between the two systems. Student accounts will be mapped based on matching Student IDs. If users are mapped successfully, then all saved work will remain intact. Please contact Discovery Education to discuss a launch plan for your district.