What is Discovery Education’s Quiz Library?
Discovery Education's Quiz Library is a bank of over 400 pre-made, ready-to-use quizzes. These quizzes come in two types, Video Quiz and Standard Quiz.
- Each Video Quiz features a DE video segment with academic questions inserted at key points throughout the video to keep students engaged and quiz them on their content knowledge. Video Quiz offerings span all grade bands and cover various topics in science, math, social studies and SEL, as well as timely events, such as holidays and seasons.
- Each Standard Quiz offers a unique opportunity for teacher to engage their students with a quick set of questions centered around various topics such as inspiring quotes, icebreakers, as well as lesson-based topics like pre-made Do Nows, Check Your Understandings, and Exit Tickets.
Where do I find pre-made quizzes?
Quizzes can be found by going to the Quiz tile on the Discovery Education homepage and selecting “Quiz Library” on the left-hand side.
How many pre-made quizzes are in the Quiz Library?
DE Quiz Library has over 400 pre-made quizzes, including both Video Quizzes and Standard Quizzes.
What types of quizzes are in the Quiz Library?
- Video Quiz- Embedded questions in DE video content with a variety of question types
- Standard Quiz- Multi-format quizzes with a variety of question types.
Can I edit a quiz in the Quiz Library?
Yes. Teachers can modify the Quiz by selecting “Edit Quiz” from the actions menu on the far right. This will pull a draft version of that Quix into the teacher’s “My Quizzes” space, allowing for edits.
How are those shared with different periods or classes?
Quizzes can be launched live, with any participants joining via an activity code. Quizzes can also be assigned through the usual Discovery Education assign flow. Teachers can select single or multiple classes. And, can even drill down into a class and select a group of students.
Can results pass back to a gradebook?
Quizzes are assigned in the Discovery Education platform and must be completed in the platform. The grades will not pass back to a Learning Management System. A teacher can export the results into a .CSV file.
Do quiz results show up in Classrooms like other DE assignments?
Any quiz that is assigned to students will appear in Classrooms. Teachers can edit dates, unassign, and view results from there. When a teacher clicks view results, it will take them into the Quiz Dashboard to view results. Any quiz created (assigned or launched live) appears in the Quiz Dashboard. Here, the teacher can grade any teacher-graded items, view results, etc.
Does a student need to be logged in to take a quiz?
For assigned quizzes, a student must be logged in to access the assignment.
How can I view and grade results?
Any quiz that is assigned to students will appear in Classrooms. Teachers can edit dates, unassign, and view results from there. When a teacher clicks “View Results”, it will take them into the Quiz Dashboard to view results. Once in the Quiz Dashboard, a teacher can view results for any quiz. Once on a specific set of results for a quiz, a teacher can view results by question or by student and grade them appropriately.