Licensing and user management for summer school are not automatic. To set up access for summer school programs, please contact technical_integrations@discoveryed.com with information regarding your SSO setup. Our team is ready to support with a smooth summer school transition.
SSO Districts
If your district uses SSO, please send the following information in your request:
- A list of any existent schools that are participating in summer school activities. Note that existent schools already exist in your account and have been used throughout the traditional school year.
- A list of new schools that are participating in summer school activities.
- Whether you manage your summer school users and rosters through your existing user management method (ClassLink, Clever, Google Classroom, etc.), or if you manage summer school through a separate process, such as SFTP uploads or manual bulk imports.
Non-SSO Districts
If your district does not have an SSO solution, please send the following information in your request:
- A list of any existent schools that are participating in summer school activities. Note that existent schools already exist in your account and have been used throughout the traditional school year.
- A list of new schools that are participating in summer school activities.
Please note that our system may take up to 5 business days to add and license any new schools participating in summer school. Once we add and license your new schools, you can begin importing summer school users to them.
For questions related to setting up summer school with Discovery Education, please email technical_integrations@discoveryed.com.