If you are experiencing site issues where pages do not load properly, you cannot stream any videos, you are logged in as someone else, or you are stuck on a page, your school or district may have to add an exception for the listed range of Internet Protocol (IP) and Uniform Resource Locator (URL) on your Firewall, Content Filter, or Network Cache. See the lists provided at the end of this article for domains, IP addresses, and subdomains to include in your exclusions list.
Please note that it may be necessary to include read-ahead cache. This network cache may be at your location or upstream, at your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
A Firewall does an acceptable job of protecting your computer against many backdoor communication attempts. Many applications that require a firewall exception to be added will do so automatically during installation; however, sometimes you will have to manually allow an application to have access to the internet.
Caching is the technique of storing frequently visited information in a location close to the requester. A Web cache stores Web pages and content on a storage device that is physically or logically closer to the user, which is closer and faster than a Web lookup. By reducing the amount of traffic on overburdened Web servers, caching provides significant benefits to ISPs, enterprise networks, and end users. Our site is dynamic and to maximize its use, we strongly recommend that it is excluded from any existing caching device.