Discovery Education Science Techbook (Modular Version) allows district administrators to customize the units to meet the needs of your curriculum and pacing guides.
Note: This is only applicable to our Modular Version of Science Techbook for Middle School.
Determine the Appropriate Pathway
District administrators are able to set a pathway of learning within Science Techbook (Modular Version) to meet the needs of the district. There are three options for pathway. Learn more about each option before going into the course configurator.
Integrated Pathway
Based on the research behind the K-12 Science Education Framework and the appropriate developmental progression of learning for middle school, Discovery Education recommends a specific order of units for districts looking for an integrated pathway.
Domain-Specific Pathway
Based on the needs of the district and recommendations from the Next Generation Science Standards, it is also appropriate to design a domain-based pathway for the modular program.
Custom Pathway
If the integrated or domain-specific pathways don't meet your needs, you can build a custom pathway to fit into your goals and pacing.
Setting Configuration to Integrated or Domain-Specific
Anyone with a district administrator (site admin) Discovery Education account can change the course configuration. To do this, access Science Techbook from the Curriculum Packs section of your My DE homepage.
Then, select the Admin Actions dropdown and select Course Configuration. Select Integrated Pathway or Domain-Specific Pathway and then select Apply This Option. The page will refresh with the new pathway and will immediately be pushed to all schools your account is tied too.
Designing a Custom Pathway
Anyone with a district administrator (site admin) Discovery Education account can change the course configuration. Prior to setting the pathway, Discovery Education encourages leaders to review the units and pathways to ensure that learning in the custom pathway flows easily from unit to unit and pre-requisites are considered.
To do this, access Science Techbook from the Curriculum Packs section of your My DE homepage. Then, select the Admin Actions dropdown and select Course Configuration. Select Custom pathway and then select Apply This Option.
This will bring up the course page that will allow you to do several things:
- Click the pencil to rename any section.
- Move units between groups with the Move to Group dropdown.
- Reorder units within a group with the number dropdown.
Once you are finished moving units around, select Save Unit Order to save the pathway and push it to all schools your account is associated with.