Teacher Notes are helpful educator supports specific to Studio. With Teacher Notes, quickly access additional resources that pair with or support your lesson.
All Studio projects contain a Teacher Notes option. Here, access/add notes about a lesson or access/add resources to reference later. Note that these notes are only available to teachers and are never visible to students.
From any Studio Slide or Page, navigate to Teacher Notes from the paper icon in the left sidebar menu.
How do I create my own Teacher Notes?
Use Teacher Notes as a personal guide when you create a Studio project. Include notes for yourself, or in collaboration with other educators on shared Studio projects.
In addition to text in Teacher Notes, you can also search and add DE content, add from Favorites, upload from your device, insert links, add buttons, and more.
Just like collaborators have access to the Teacher Notes you create on shared Studio projects, you also have access to Teacher Notes that others create on Studio projects shared with you.
How do I access Teacher Notes in Ready-to-Use Lessons?
Embedded within DE's Ready-to-Use Lessons, find helpful Teacher Notes to support your lesson preparation and delivery.
First Slide/Page
On the first slide/page of a Ready-to-Use Lesson, access Teacher Notes about the lesson as a whole. This includes the following:
- Grade Range
- Learning Targets
- Lesson Overview (for longer lessons)
- Standards
- Suggestions for use
- Resources used in lesson (graphic organizers, SOS Instructional Strategies, etc.)
- Differentiation
- Additional resources for the lesson (videos, channels)
Use these supports to guide lesson delivery.
Following Slide(s)/Page(s)
On the following lesson slide(s)/page(s) of a Ready-to-Use Lesson, access information specific to the delivery of each corresponding slide/page.
Use these supports to guide lesson delivery.
How do I access Teacher Notes in fullscreen?
Teacher Notes are also available when a Studio project is in Full Screen. To access, follow these steps:
- Select Fullscreen
- Navigate to the vertical ellipses in the top action bar and select Show Educator Notes
As always, these notes are never visible to students. They are teacher accessible only.