Discovery Education Studio is a creative and structured collaboration space designed with students and teachers in mind.
Note: When sharing content with students, students must have a Discovery Education account and your classes must be set up. If you are unsure how to do either, explore these articles:
Share with Studio
Studio projects have two versions - Draft and Share. When a draft is complete, you can share your project with others. You can revisit a board in Edit Mode and re-publish at any time.
The following are two ways to share a Studio project:
Enter a student(s) name or your classroom (as named in Discovery Education) to share a project. Once added, designate Edit, View, or Read only access to the board. Select Share to establish the settings.
Copy the URL to share a project. When you share via link, anyone with the link has Read only access.
When you revisit a board in edit mode and then republish a board, the Share URL does not change. However, best practice is to share the board again so all changes appear when the board is viewed through the URL. Note that the Share button turns yellow to ensure you remember to share again.
Locate Shared Projects
Teachers and students locate shared projects with the Shared filter on the Studio Dashboard.