To embed a Quiz into Canvas, you must first Create or Save a Standard or Video Quiz into your My Quizzes library in Discovery Education. Note that draft or Live quizzes cannot be embedded in Canvas. Learn more about Quiz here.
How do I embed via Rich Text Editor?
You can embed quizzes in multiple places across Canvas, such as Assignments, Discussions, Pages, Quizzes, Modules, and more. Here, we use Assignments as the example, but the steps to access and embed Discovery Education resources are the same and are typically available wherever a rich text editor is present in Canvas.
To embed a Discovery Education Quiz resource into a Canvas assignment, follow these steps:
- From Courses, navigate to Assignments in the left menu bar and select +Assignment. In the new assignment, add an Assignment Name and enter assignment instructions.
- From Apps (plug icon), select View All > Discovery Education. A pop out window opens. Depending on access, the Discovery Education logo may appear on the action bar.
- Select My Quizzes to access your My Quizzes library. You can embed any Quiz that is not in draft. Once you locate a Quiz, select Embed. Note: To see My Quizzes, your district must enable Quiz and be on LTI 1.3.
- Complete the remaining assignment information in Canvas and select Save & Publish to give students access.
This Quiz is not grade passback compatible, because the Quiz was added in the rich text editor. To enable grade passback, see below.
Enabling Grade Passback
You must complete these steps from a Canvas Assignment in order to enable grade passback. Canvas does not allow grade passback via Discussions, Pages, or Modules.
To embed a Discovery Education Quiz resource with grade passback, follow these steps:
- From Courses, navigate to Assignments in the left menu bar and select +Assignment. In the new assignment, add an Assignment Name and enter assignment instructions.
- For Submission Type, select External Tool, and click Find. Choose Discovery Education. A pop out window opens.
- Select My Quizzes to access your My Quizzes library. You can embed any Quiz that is not in draft. Once you locate a Quiz, select Embed. Note: To see My Quizzes, your district must enable Quiz and be on LTI 1.3.
- Complete the remaining assignment information in Canvas and select Save & Publish to give students access.
- Once the student completes the Assignment, you may see either a score populate the gradebook, or an indicator that teacher grading is required. This depends on whether you have automatically scored questions in the Assessment (like multiple choice), or teacher graded questions (like free response).
As grades are entered, they are accessible in real time within the Discovery Education Assignment Manager. There is no risk of an "un-synced" gradebook while completing this process.