Discovery Education has lots of resources for learning, and it also has tools that help you use those resources for studying and review. Let's take a look at ways to use your account for studying.
Tips and Tricks for General Study
Isolate the topics that you are preparing to review and consider how you would teach the topic to someone else. Write or speak your information and find out how much you know.
- If you have text/readings, reread the first sentences in each paragraph and/or the conclusion to determine how familiar you are with the ideas.
- Use flashcards to review information you simply have to memorize. Flip the flashcards over to use them both ways to help solidify the information.
- Talk to someone else who knows about your topic and discuss ways the knowledge could be applied to situations in the real world.
- Ask your teacher for a study guide and use it to decide what to focus on.
Tools for Studying with Video
With thousands of videos available in your Discovery Education account, you have a lot of information to gain. If you have a list of videos you used in class, review those. Or, use our search function to narrow down to videos that apply to your topic. Once you have a video that applies, use these tips to study.
- Watch the video in segments.
- Use pause and rewind to clarify information.
- Use closed captioning to reinforce ideas.
- Watch without sound and try to narrate.
To prepare for a test about presidential impact, I chose to watch only one segment of a video about Abraham Lincoln.
Tools for Studying with Images
If a picture is worth a thousand words, it seems like a good idea to use them when you study. Images can convey a lot of information quickly and can jog your memory about events, organisms, systems, and more. Use images from your account in the following ways to help you study.
- Make flashcards that feature images on one side.
- Find two similar images and compare and contrast them.
- Write explanatory captions for images.
- Organize a series of images to review a concept or unit understanding.
I’m learning about adaptations. What do pictures like these tell me about why living things adapt? Why can some animals adapt better than others? What happens when living things can’t adapt, or can’t adapt fast enough?
Special Discovery Education Tools
Discovery Education has a Transcript feature that accompanies some videos. With this feature, you can read along with the video or search for particular information in the transcript and jump right to that section of the video. Look for the Transcript tab below the video.
I highlighted the transcript of a video about Lincoln to review key points.
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