The Results Dashboard provides teachers with data and evidence collected as students interact with Math Techbook.
Depending from where the dashboard is launched, different data sets and views display. Results for individual items embedded within a concept show in the Concept Dashboard view; view response details from the Coach/Play Dashboard; launch responses for a Unit Assessment or all items in a concept from the Course Assessments Dashboard; also, assessments assigned to students display in the Assigned Results Dashboard.
Student Results Dashboard
Technology-Enhanced Items (TEIs) are woven throughout instruction and individual practice. As students solve problems, they record their responses to questions and explain their thinking in text boxes. Student responses feed directly to the teacher dashboard, providing instant access to data.
In the digital core interactive text, items are embedded throughout activities and sections. To see student responses to an individual item, select the Results icon by that item.
Student scoring appears at-a-glance with a green check for correct, red X for incorrect, and blank for not submitted on machine-scored items. Use Refresh to update with incoming student data. By default, student names are anonymized and randomized in the results dashboard. To reveal student names, uncheck Hide Student Names. Select a student to view the details of the student response to the item. To clear a student score so that the student can submit again, select the student and choose Clear Response(s). Results from all classes and students display. To filter for a class, select the All classes drop-down and select the class. Use the All students drop-down to filter for Correct, Incorrect, Needs Grading, or Not Submitted.
Coach/Play Dashboard
To see enhanced data about student results in Practice's Coach/Play, choose the Results icon on the Practice tab for Coach or Play.
Student results display a green check for correct, a red 'X' for incorrect, and a badge indicating the number of attempts. All question attempt scores reflect the last attempt. Note that for Coach assessments, 3 attempts is the maximum allowed.
Concept Dashboard
Access the Concept Dashboard from the toolbar of any concept page.
At the concept level, Dashboard displays tabs that correspond to the Discover, Practice, and Apply learning cycle around which Math Techbook is organized. Data updates in real-time, so you can immediately review student responses and determine which students have not yet completed an activity. Use Refresh to update the incoming results in real-time.
From the drop-down, select the tab of the corresponding activity for the data you would like to see. Responses are automatically scored and color-coded as No Points, Some Points, All Points, Not Answered, or Needs Score. By default, results display anonymously. These anonymous results can be used to see non-student-specific patterns of responses or can be displayed to students. In this mode, responses are randomized.
To view student responses with student information identified, deselect the Hide Names option. To view results from a different class or grouping of students, use the Class drop-down menu and select the desired class.
View Individual Results
If you select Discover in Dashboard, the name of each item will be listed and information students enter will display on the grid. For longer constructed responses or images that are submitted, such as work from the whiteboard tool, select the item and student to see each student’s response.
If you select Practice in the Concept Dashboard, you can view results organized by question. By selecting a square, you can see the question and response that each student gave or selected.
- Green indicates entirely correct.
- Red indicates completely wrong.
- Yellow is when a student received partial credit for their response.
Apply in the Dashboard provides access to the full student responses from Apply problems as well as a problem-specific rubric. Apply problems must be manually scored. To score an Apply problem, select a student's score. The student's response and a scoring rubric specific to the question will appear. To score a student’s response, select a score in each of four rubric categories. Individualized feedback can also be provided in Teacher Comments.
Course Assessments Dashboard
The Course Assessments Dashboard contains the summative assessments in each unit. From this Dashboard, assessments can be assigned directly to students. Once assigned, teachers can access results for students from this dashboard as well.
Assigned Results Dashboard
Student results for assigned assessments are displayed with a Results Dashboard. Assessments can be created with the Techbook Assessment Builder, or ready-to-assign Unit-level assessments are available under Unit Resources.
To see student results for an assigned assessment—or any assigned content—select Classrooms from Discovery Education navigation. In Classrooms, choose Assignments and select the More Reports option to view its results.
By default, student names show in alphabetical order on the dashboard. Data is organized in columns by Question; to view results grouped by academic standard, select Standards from the View by drop-down. Student scoring displays with a green check for all points, red X for no points, yellow for some points, and a blue box indicating that it needs to be scored by the teacher. A blank indicates the student has not yet submitted a response.
Select any score to see the details of the student response, or select the student name to see tabbed details for each question. Select Download Results by Question for a .csv file that may integrate with other gradebook software. To see the original assessment, select the hyperlinked assessment name.