With Ask Live Quiz, teachers facilitate a live activity and ask students verbal questions. Students respond from their own devices in a short answer format.
How do I access Quiz?
To access Quiz, navigate to the Global Navigation dropdown in the upper left corner.
Or, launch Quiz here.
How do I launch Ask Live Quiz?
From your Quiz Dashboard, select Ask Live Quiz and give your activity a name. This name is how the quiz appears to students and in your My Quizzes dashboard. Note that under "Name your activity" there is a blue slider, here you can allow or block guest participants. Default setting is to allow.
There are two ways for students to join an Ask Live Quiz:
- Invite with Link: Post the shareable link in a Learning Management System or any other way you communicate with students. This link provides access to the quiz. Students need to be logged in to Discovery Education to join. Note that students can join as a guest, but guest data does not tie to their student account.
- Invite with Code: Post the shareable code in your classroom or in a Learning Management System for students to use. Students select Join Live Activity in the top right of their Discovery Education homepage and enter the code to access.
Note that at any time you can remove unwanted guests from your quiz as needed.
Start Live Quiz
You can see as students join. Names and (Guest) statuses appear next to the "Welcome to your live activity" banner. Note that you can copy the link or code to share if any students need assistance joining.
To start a Live Quiz, select Unlock Student Devices. Verbally ask questions and have students respond on their own device. Track responses on the screen. By default, names and answers are hidden. Note that you can toggle this feature on and off, as needed.
As responses come in, they are gradable as Correct or Incorrect. Additionally, a Try Again option is available from the drop down that allows students to have a second attempt.
You can also project answers in front of your class to evaluate responses in real time. Show answers with, or without, student names attached or display a student's answer at random. Note that you can provide feedback with Correct, Incorrect, or Try Again from the ellipsis menu to prompt a student to resubmit.
Select Finish when the quiz is complete. When you end the quiz, the student has access to their individual results and the teacher results dashboard for this quiz opens.
Exit Ticket
Use the Ask Live Quiz for an exit ticket. To get a pulse on student understanding, select Exit Ticket.
This brings up three faces for the students to choose from - smile, neutral, frown. Here students share how they feel about the topic.
Use the Exit Ticket feature to understand how your class is doing and to help determine next steps for instructions.
Note: Quiz is available to our full Discovery Education partners only.