Enhance lessons with Discovery Education’s customizable, ready-to-use quizzes authored by assessment and instructional experts. Access ready-to-use quizzes from the Quiz Library for easy delivery in your classroom. All quizzes are editable and adaptable to meet the needs of your class.
What is Quiz Library?
Engage your students with DE’s authored quizzes that make checks for understanding easy with text (standard quizzes) and video quizzes from DE’s content library. Quizzes are authored by grade level and include a range of subjects.
Search by topic and use grade band and subject filters to get the results that match your classroom. Quickly assign or share ready-made quizzes with students by an invite link. To learn more, see Assigning a Quiz.
Quiz library results range from simple exit ticket formats to multiple question standard aligned options using NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs), Common Core, and C3 Framework standards within the teacher notes. Note that many ready-to-use quizzes also include helpful Teacher Notes for delivery, to learn more, see Access Teacher Notes in Ready to Use Lessons.
From the top action bar of Quiz Library, access the following categories:
- All: The complete library of DE’s ready-made quizzes. This includes both Video Quizzes and Standard Quizzes. Note that All opens by default in Quiz Library.
- Featured Quizzes: Selected by content experts at Discovery Education.
- Top 20: The top 20 DE quizzes based on usage.
- Video Quizzes: All ready-to-use Video Quizzes. To learn more about Video Quizzes, see Video Quiz.
- Standard Quizzes: All ready-to-use Standard Quizzes. To learn more about Standard Quizzes, see Standard Quiz.
From Search Quiz Library you can narrow down your search by the following:
- Grade band: All, K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
- Standard: Toggle on/off. Enter the standard or skill code from NGSS DCIs, Common Core, or C3 Framework into the search bar. Any results populate and details are listed in the question teacher notes within the quiz result.
- Subject: All, Science, Math, Social Studies, Arts, Health
How do I edit a Quiz?
You can edit all DE authored quizzes to personalize content to your class’s needs. Choose one of the following options to edit a DE authored quiz:
From View Quiz Overview
Navigate to the ellipses menu of a quiz and select View Quiz Overview.
Follow these steps:
- From the ellipses menu in the top right, select Edit.
- Here, challenge question content, add questions, or remove questions before saving, launching, or assigning.
From Add to My Quizzes
Select Add to My Quizzes from the ellipses menu, then navigate to My Quizzes.
Follow these steps:
- From the Actions menu, select Edit.
- change question content, add questions, or remove questions before saving, launching, or assigning.