The Discovery Education – Canvas integration provides Single Sign-On (SSO) and an embedded search widget, enabling users to work across systems to add Discovery Education content to Canvas. Complete the SSO Request Form to begin the process and a member of the DE Technical Integrations team will be in touch. |
To proceed with the Canvas LTI 1.3 integration, confirm the following requirements:
- Only schools that subscribe to Discovery Education services can configure the app within Canvas.
- Ability to import user data to Discovery Education’s website via CSV files or alternate user provisioning process. See Imports for Single Sign-On for details.
There are three parts to setting up LTI 1.3 Canvas integration. Please complete them in order.
- Part I: Implementing the LTI 1.3 app to Canvas
- Part II: Sharing your Developer Key and Deployment ID in Discovery Education
- Part III: Removing your Discovery Education LTI 1.1 App from use
Complete Part I and Part III on your own, Part II requires the help of the DE Technical Integrations team.
Part I: Implementing the LTI 1.3 App to Canvas
To implement the LTI 1.3 app to your Canvas instance, and ensure LTI 1.1 resources are still accessible, follow these steps:
Adding the Discovery Education 1.3 Developer Key in Canvas.
- Sign into Canvas as an LMS administrator.
- Select Admin from the left navigation menu and select an instance.
- Select Developer Keys from the left navigation menu.
- Click + Developer Key at the top right and choose + LTI Key.
In the Key Settings window, set the Key Name as “Discovery Education - 1.3”.
- Choose the Enter URL method of configuration.
Paste the following URL in the JSON URL field: https://app.discoveryeducation.com/learn/lti/configuration
- Select Save.
- Locate the new Developer Key in the list and select Edit this key.
- Update the Configure Method to "Manual Entry" and update Redirect URI in the left column to https://lti.discoveryeducation.com/oauth2/lti-authorized.
- Select Save.
Configuring your new Discovery Education 1.3 App
In the Account tab of Developer Keys, find your Discovery Education - 1.3 app and turn the state to ON.
- Copy the value shown in the Details section (a numeric 17-digit numeric value, circled below in orange). Note: Please do not use the value that shows when you click Show Key. The next steps of the process will not function properly.
Select Settings from the left navigation, and navigate to the Apps tab.
Select View App Configurations and Add App.
Choose the Configuration Type of By Client ID.
Paste the value you generated in step 11 into the Client ID field, click Submit, then click Install.
- Optional: To allow for quick access to Discovery Education access and embedding, turn the Add to RCE Toolbar to the ON state.
Part II: Sharing your Developer Key and Deployment ID in Discovery Education
A member of our Integrations Support team is ready to assist with your Canvas connection when the previous steps are complete. Please email technical_integrations@discoveryed.com with your district name and Canvas 1.3 Integration in the subject line. Please include your Deployment ID and Developer Key in the body of the email. Our team ensures the connection is created and confirms when that process is complete.
- A Developer Key can be found under the Developer Keys tab on the left navigation of your Canvas Admin. This is a 17-digit numeric value associated with your LTI 1.3 app in the "Details" column. Note: Do not use the value that shows when you click Show Key. The next steps of the process will not function properly.
- A Deployment ID can be found under the Settings tab on the left navigation of your Canvas Admin. Navigate to Apps and choose View App Configurations. Choose the Gear icon and choose Deployment ID. Copy the alphanumeric value in the window.
Part III: Removing your Discovery Education LTI 1.1 App from use
Important: If this step is not complete, links will continue to generate to the LTI 1.1 app and be at risk for breakage as LTI 1.1 is phased out.
Sign into Canvas as an LMS administrator.
Select Admin from the left navigation menu and select an instance.
Navigate to Settings in the left navigation and choose the Apps tab.
Choose View App Configurations.
- Locate your Discovery Education LTI 1.1 app and choose Placements from the Gear icon drop down.
- Uncheck all placements so Canvas users are unable to access the app from the Course Navigation, the Editor Button, or the Assignment and Link Selection and select Close.
Locate your Discovery Education LTI 1.3 app and choose Edit from the Gear icon drop down.
Update the name to “Discovery Education” and select Submit.
Canvas Sub Account Configurations
In some cases, you may want Discovery Education to show on certain Canvas courses, and not others. You can accomplish this by grouping applicable courses in a sub account and adding the Discovery Education client ID at the sub account level. We recommend aggregating all applicable courses in a single sub account to expedite our support processes but can also accommodate setting up Discovery Education for multiple sub accounts as needed.
Note: This works slightly different than LTI 1.1 apps due to how Canvas has designed their interoperability with LTI 1.3 apps.
- Complete Part 1: Implementing the LTI 1.3 App to Canvas of this guide.
- In the Account tab of Developer Keys, find your Discovery Education - 1.3 app and turn the state to ON.
- Copy the value shown in the Details section (a 17-digit numeric value, circled below in orange). Note: Please do not use the value that shows when you click Show Key. The next steps of the process will not function properly.
- Navigate to the sub account you wish to add the app to.
- Select Settings from the left navigation of the sub account, and navigate to the Apps tab.
- Select View App Configurations an Add App.
- Choose the Configuration Type of By Client ID (more information here).
- Paste the value you copied in step 3 of this section into the Client ID field, click Submit, then click Install.
- Optional: To allow for quick access to Discovery Education access and embedding, turn the Add to RCE Toolbar to the ON state.
- Complete Part II: Sharing your Developer Key and Deployment ID in Discovery Education at the sub account level.
Please note that you must complete steps 3-10 for each sub account you wish to add Discovery Education to. Discovery Education support must add each sub account’s Developer Key and Deployment ID to your account in order for the connection to be made.