The Discovery Education LTI App in Schoology provides Single Sign-On (SSO) and an embedded search widget, enabling users to work across systems to add Discovery Education content to Schoology. Ready to move forward with an integration? Complete the SSO Request Form to begin the process and a member of the DE Technical Integrations team will be in touch. |
(All requirements must be confirmed to proceed)
- Only schools that subscribe to Discovery Education services may have the app configured in Schoology.
- Ability to import user data to Discovery Education’s website via CSV files or alternate user provisioning process. See Imports for Single Sign-On for details.
Steps to Implement
- Complete the SSO request form.
- Build a process to generate and post CSV files (automation via SFTP is recommended). See Imports for Single Sign-On for details.
- In Schoology, add the Discovery Education App with the Discovery-provided Consumer Key and Shared Secret. Task should be completed by an administrator.
How it Works
Users are authenticated into Discovery Education via Schoology, provided that at least one of the following (Email, Username, or Teacher ID / Student ID) in Discovery Education matches a corresponding value in Schoology. User data is matched as shown below.
Discovery Email = Schoology Email
Discovery Username = Schoology Username
Discovery Teacher ID / Student ID = Schoology Unique ID User information should be provided on the imported CSV files. An administrator can confirm that existing Discovery users have a value in their Discovery profile matching Schoology (Email, Username, or Teacher ID / Student ID) via the Admin Dashboard section of Discovery Education.
Enable the Discovery Education App in Schoology
- Navigate to the App Center.
- Find the Discovery Education App and click the icon.
- Click Install LTI 1.1 App, agree to the terms, then Add to Organization.
- Click Configure for the Discovery Education record on the Organization Apps page.
- Enter the Key and Secret (and, if provided, the Custom Parameter).
- Select Save Settings.
- Use the Install/Remove tool to enable the app for users according to your implementation plan
Frequently Asked Questions
Can Discovery Education assignment grades be automatically sent to Schoology, and vice versa?
Discovery assessments can be embedded as materials in Schoology. Once a student has completed the assessment, the grade will appear in your Schoology gradebook. Learn more.
How do users log in to Discovery Education?
Users log in via the Discovery Education icon on the left navigation bar from within a course in Schoology.
What is the cost for the integration?
Free. However, a DE SSO request form should be completed, which alerts the Discovery Education Technical Integrations team that the district is requesting the integration. Complete the request form here.
When can we launch the integration?
Once CSV files have been imported, adding the Discovery Education App can be completed anytime. Announcing the integration to users is imperative for a successful launch.
What happens to existing Discovery Education user accounts? Will they keep their saved content and work?
Yes. Existing user records and associated data (e.g. My Content, created resources, classes, etc.) remain intact as long as existing Discovery accounts are updated appropriately via the bulk import. The import can match an existing user on email, username, or teacher ID / student ID. At least one of these three values must remain constant when importing to ensure that duplicate accounts are not created. If you need to update all three values for your users in order to integrate with Schoology, please notify Technical_Integrations@discoveryed.com for assistance with your import.
We have already automated sending CSV files. What do I need to change?
If CSV files with user data are already being sent by an automated process, then please ensure that either the Email, Username, or Teacher ID / Student ID in Discovery Education matches the corresponding value in Schoology for each user. Note that all user updates are made via the bulk import. The import can match an existing user on email, username, or teacher ID / student ID. At least one of these three values must remain constant when importing to ensure that duplicate accounts are not created. If you need to update all three values in order for your users to integrate with Schoology, please notify Technical_Integrations@discoveryed.com for assistance with your import.
Can the Schoology integration be used with other SSO technologies?
Yes. Schoology SSO can work in parallel with many other SSO technologies, such as Clever, Google, and Office365. See Imports for Single Sign-On for details.
Please contact Discovery Education at Technical_Integrations@discoveryed.com with any questions related to the Schoology integration.