If your district and/or school utilizes Single Sign On (SSO) for logging in, here is some information that may help you log in via SSO. Note that if you need specific log in credential, check with your district or school IT contacts.
If your district or school is utilizing SSO to log in, versus users utilizing a username and password to log in, the format of the URL to go to (instead of going to www.discoveryeducation.com) to get logged in follows the respective format below, depending on the type of SSO that is used by your district or school:
- Google SSO: https://google.discoveryeducation.com
- Microsoft Office365 SSO: https://office365.discoveryeducation.com
- LDAP Active Directory SSO: https://<district name>.discoveryeducation.com
- ADFS/SAML: https://<district name>.discoveryeducation.com
- Classlink SSO: https://classlink.discoveryeducation.com
- Clever SSO (instant log in only): https://cleversso.discoveryeducation.com
- NCEdCloud (for NC only): https://nc.discoveryeducation.com
If, after entering the respective format for your SSO and attempting to log in, you still need assistance, please contact Discovery Education Support at 1-800-323-9084, prompt 1, or education_info@discoveryed.com and provide as much detail as possible about your issue.