Access Discovery Education Math Techbook with a browsable view by course, unit, or concept, and explore tools and resources found throughout Math Techbook.
Accessing Math Techbook
Select Math Techbook from the Curriculum Packs section in the Global Navigation Menu, located in the top left of every page.
Course, Unit, Concept
Math Techbook is organized and described using the following vocabulary:
- Course: overall course of study in an academic area
- Unit: thematic groupings of learning concepts
- Concept: individual topics of study
Math Techbook opens to the last course visited. To change courses, select Course and choose the preferred grade level and course.
Course Views
There are three ways to navigate the content of each course in Math Techbook: Overview, Table of Contents, and Standards views.
Overview view is the default view and is a browse-enabled, visual grid.
The course content can also be displayed in a Table of Contents view, which allows teachers direct access to the various components within each concept.
The course content can also be displayed in a Standards view. Select a standard, expand to the detail of the standard until blue hyperlinked text appears, and then select the standard content. Math Techbook will display the concept(s) where that standard is addressed in Math Techbook, or view all concept resources that support the standard.
Unit Navigation
Select any Unit to see an expanded description of the unit of study and description of its Concepts, with fast access to model lessons, concept resources, parent letters, and the unit assessment.
Once a unit has been selected, in the Unit Overview tab, a Unit Opener video introduces students to what will be covered in the entire unit.
Each unit also includes Parent Letters and a Unit Assessment, found in Unit Assessments and Resources. Parent Letters can be printed and shared with parents or guardians prior to beginning a new unit of study. These letters allow caregivers to see the learning objectives and expectations for the unit and provide suggestions for helping students at home. Parent Letters are available in English and Spanish and are offered in an editable Microsoft Word format. The Unit Assessment can be used as a formative or summative assessment with questions similar to those students experience on computer-based, high-stakes tests.