Students build procedural skill and fluency with Coach and Play.
In the Practice section of Discovery Education Math Techbook, students build procedural skill and fluency, moving from problems that are simple to those that are more complex. This highly scaffolded area is divided into two stages: Coach and Play.
To see enhanced data about student results, choose the Results icon for either Coach or Play.
Student results display a green check for correct, a red 'X' for incorrect, and a badge indicating the number of attempts. All question attempt scores reflect the last attempt. Note that for Coach assessments, 3 attempts is the maximum allowed.
With Coach, students get direct feedback on their constructed responses. In this guided pathway, students practice solving exercises similar to those solved in Discover. Exercises in Coach are purposefully varied so that students must apply their understanding of the concept to solve them, not just the algorithm or problem-solution method they developed.
In Coach, students’ responses are monitored, and the system provides feedback based on those responses. The feedback is also aligned with the most common student errors and misconceptions.
To view student results, select Practice from Dashboard. You can review responses by question. By selecting a square, you can see the question and response that each student gave or selected. Green indicates entirely correct. Red indicates completely wrong. Yellow is when a student chooses only a few correct responses.
Play provides independent practice. It consists of exercises through which students practice at their own pace based on the current concept about which they are learning. Unlike in the Coach exercises, students in the Play segment are on their own to complete assignments, and they receive no support on how to answer questions correctly.
Play exercises provide encouragement in a gamified environment where students earn badges and awards. Students make progress toward a badge each time they correctly answer a self-paced, interactive question, and five correct answers within a concept earns a badge.
To view student results, select Practice and navigate to Play in My Dashboard. You can view response by question. By selecting a square, you can see the question and response that each student gave or selected. Green indicates entirely correct, and red indicates completely wrong. Yellow indicates a student chose a few correct responses.