With the Discovery Education video feature, you can play and download videos, build activities, save them to a folder in My Content, or share them. Content tabs provide quick access to smaller video segments, video transcripts, citation information, related materials, and other titles in the same series.
Streaming vs. Downloading
Streaming videos does rely on an internet connection to play. When you stream, the video is not saved to your computer or device. To stream a video live, select Play in the video player.
Downloading videos does not rely on an internet connection to play. When you download, the video saves as a local copy on your device. To download a video, navigate to the ellipses icon on the video, and then select Download. Note that you choose the file quality of the download and where to save it on your device.
Video Features
There are many features available to you with DE video content. When you select a video, you have the following options:
- Build an Activity (Exclusive to Full Discovery Education Partners): Build a video quiz or studio slideshow to engage students in the video and check for understanding.
- Assign: Assign a video to specific students, a group, or your whole class. Note that you can only use this feature after your students have been uploaded to Discovery Education.
- Share Now: Share content by link, Google Classroom, or Microsoft Teams. Explore more about our LMS Integrations.
- Add to Favorites: Add a video to your personal list that you can access from any page. Favorites is an easy way to bookmark videos of interest and to curate resources as you sort search results for comparison or review later.
- Save to My Content: If you plan to use a video frequently, want to organize resources into folders for lessons or units, or want to share it with others in your school or district, add it to your My Content folders.
- Download: To download a video and save it to your computer, flash drive, or other device, select the Download icon. Select the file quality and save the file to your desired location. You can also download the closed caption file. Once the download is complete, select where to save the video files on your device.
- Copy Link: Quickly grab a share URL to place in emails or other places for quick access for students.
- Video Full Details: Find out more about the resource, including a description, suggested grade levels, publisher, and copyright date.
- Segments: Videos are available in their entirety and can range from a few minutes to several hours. Videos are also segmented to provide more targeted or specific information so that you can find the content that best relates to your learning objective.
- Transcript: Closed captioned videos have the text available in a searchable transcript format. Search for a term to see it highlighted throughout the transcript and click on any section of the transcript while a video is playing to jump to that portion of the video.
- View Citations: Dynamic citation information is provided for all Discovery Education resources. Here you can view MLA, APA, and Chicago Manual of Style formats. Citations may be copied and pasted into projects that include Discovery Education content.
Classroom Materials: Some videos include additional resources to support learning around the resource. These may include:
- Teacher’s Guide - Teacher’s Guides contain program objectives, discussion questions, and lesson plans that the video's content supports.
- Blackline Master - Blackline Masters are supplementary materials such as worksheets, quizzes, word searches, and crossword puzzles that support video content.
- Video is Included In: If this video is included in a channel, find that channel here. Or, if this is a video segment of a larger full video, we share that full video here.
- More Educational Resources: Find related non-video resources in this row to build out an entire lesson or activity for your students.
- More Videos Like This: Find additional videos related to this one either by subject or publisher.